Having any surgical procedure can be scary. At GP2Health we pride ourselves in keeping the whole encounter relaxed, comfortable and professional. This short video gives you a good understanding of what to expect before, during and after any procedure
Video kindly provided by Medical Skills Courses
We can advise which procedure will give the best outcome. We can remove any lesion (e.g. skin tag, mole, wart, Seborrheic keratosis etc) from the skin and fatty layers*. Price includes the surgery, dressings and one follow-up consult of 15 mins. Prices do not include initial consultation cost or histopathology if required.
Shave the skin and remove the lesion. No stitches. Will involve cautery. Includes 5 small and 2 large lesions
Remove the whole lesion including part of the fat under skin. Requires stitches. Ultrasound scan to plan surgery included.
Removes part of the lesion for diagnosis only. Small stich likely required.
Uses liquid nitrogen to remove or reduce the size of the lesion. Includes single appointment
Removal of painful ingrowing nails. Price includes surgery, dressings and a follow up consult of 15 mins. Does not include consultation cost.
May include a wedge excision, complete removal or debridement of the nail fold.
May include a wedge excision, complete removal or debridement of the nail fold.
Toe nails can be hard to reach and difficult to cut.
A permanent form of contraception for men. Includes ultrasound, minimally invasive surgical vasectomy (MIV), ultrasound of the testes, post surgical 15 minute follow up to ensure everything is healing and one Semen analysis at 12 - 16 weeks after surgery
Initial consultation not included
Day case Vasectomy £650
Total - £365
Total - £480
Total - £201 + Home visiting fee which depends on housebound status and location
Total - £220
Total - £725
Please reach out to us at contact@gp2health.co.uk if you cannot find the answer to your question.
The prices listed above are for the surgical procedure, dressings and one 15 minute follow up consultation after the procedure. This does not include the consultation fee prior to the surgery or any lab fees to examine the tissue for potential cancer. The consultation length needed will vary depending upon your lesion. Once we have had the consultation and decided on a treatment option you can decide to have the procedure on the same day (time permitting) or have it on another day that suits you.
Yes. We need to understand the nature of the lesion that you want us to remove. We need to ensure it is safe to remove and that we will not make matters worse. Hence, a clinical story and physical examination must be done prior. There are few exceptions. We can discuss this prior to booking an appointment if you have any concerns.
In almost all cases yes. We will discuss whether this needs to happen with you. The reason for this is to analyse the skin lesion under a microscope. This will give us a histological report and tell us whether the lesion is cancer or not. In some rare cases a lesion can look completely benign (none cancerous) and only after removal and microscope review is it found to be cancer.
This includes the pot, with formaldehyde (tissue preserver), in which the tissue will be placed. Postage to the lab and analysis with report of the tissue under a microscope by a specialist. This fee (£100) is controlled by our lab partners and given to you at no extra cost.
This is included in the price and will involve removal of your sutures if you have any, providing dressings and a 15 minute consultation generally at the point of suture removal. At this point any issues can be addressed.
You have the choice and we will discuss with you whether we are able to remove your skin problem. We can also remove lesions from your child's skin. There are many things that can be cut away completely including moles, dermatofibromas, warts, cysts, bursae etc. Additionally we may suggest cryosurgery which freezes and destroys the skin lesion.
We would not look to remove anything that looks cancerous, malignant or suspicious. We may need to perform further tests like ultrasound to ensure it is safe to proceed.
If we felt the lesion was suspicious we will refer you back to your NHS GP at no extra cost for consideration of a referral under the suspected skin cancer 2 week wait service. You can further refer you to see a private skin cancer specialist should you wish to follow this route.
Liquid nitrogen is used to perform cryosurgery. Many skin lesions can be treated including all types of wart (includes verruca), seborrheic keratosis, lentigos, skin tags, solar skin damage, Molluscum contagiosum, Genital warts and some mucosal lesions.
Absolutely. This is a legal requirement. Prior to any procedure we will discuss with you the treatment options including leaving the lesion alone. Information about any surgical options will be discussed with an emphasis on the risks of the surgical procedure. We will give you space to make a decision, you will not be under any pressure to sign a consent form or go ahead with the procedure straight away.
Prior to any procedure you will be fully informed of the specific risks and likelihood of this risk occurring. We will develop a plan around reducing these risks. Sometimes this includes not proceeding with surgery. You are under no obligation to proceed after consult. Some of the common risks are:
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